Friday, August 21, 2009

10th week: peer pressure

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
The negative peer pressure that i have experience is when a friend ask me to drink a glass of beer, after that, I came home drunk and don't know what i'm doing. My father was very angry. So from then on I cannot drink and I have stayed away from those friends.

2. How did you react to it? Why?
after that experince I have stayed away from that friend.

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
A little sad because she is the only friend that understands me then.

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
Don't just listen and do what you know is wrong.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

9th Meeting: Responsible


A responsible person is a person that is hard working and having the ability to perform. A responsible person is accountable and always being on time.
My responsibilities at home is to be a good sister, and a good daughter; not lazying around, doing the chores and being a student that study hard. My responsibilities in school are to listen to all the lessons, doing my assignments and projects, reviewing for quizzes and long exams. Being on time and not be late. My responsibilities in my community is to be a good neighbor, a good friend, and contribute in community service.

8th meeting: Honesty

Challenging Myself (honesty)

I have challenge myself and I have chosen to avoid cheating. In our high school days I used to cheat from my classmates and open notes during seat work and quizzes. I was able to challenge myself and i'm proud that even if I don't cheat I can still past that quiz. It was amazing that I can do it on my own. I felt that I 'm very smart and good, because I still past that quiz even if I didn't cheat. I will not cheat again, because I'm smart. All of us are smart, but were too lazy to study.

7th Meeting: Perosnal Health

Personal Health

I have a Good and health lifestyle, I exercise daily by means of training in swimming, I eat Health foods like meat and vegetables, and drink lots of water. I do not smoke or drink, because it can cause serious disease. I do not smoke because, my father will get mad at me, and i know that smoking is bad for your health, since I'm an athelete, Smoking and drinking is not allowed, and also I intend not to try it. I believe that if you put trash(which are the drugs) you will suffer from serious disease.

6th Meeting: Assignment


The most striking scene in the movies, is when the host showed climate change that is now happening in our planet. Like the hurricane Katrina and other hurricanes that destroyed many lives and homes. The melting of the ice in the north, South pole and other cold places, It can affect the place where we live in, because it can cause floods and maybe sink the lower lands specially the one near the coast.
I realized that the we must care for our planet and keep it from destroying itself and also us. From our wrong doings we also suffer, that why we need to change our daily living and the things that can save mother earth. Like planting and saving energy.
The actions that i can do to save our environment, is to follow simple rules like,
planting trees and recycling the things that can be recycled, saving energy by means of unplugging the electronic devices that are not to be used, Do not add up the smoke, noise and other pollutions.


The Challenge that I had taken is getting a perfect or a high score at my seat works and quizzes. I have tried to perfect or at least get a high score in all of the subject that I'm taking now. I can beat the challenge, I'm very happy that I succeed in doing that challenge its for my studies and for my life. I've learned that, I can too, be a good student and a smart one. If i study hard I can succeed in life and be proud of what I have done.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Self Evaluation...

1.Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

I have realize that the Characteristics and qualities that i have cannot be own by another people because, for me, each and every one of us are special and have original attitudes and qualities, having different personalities. I think my characteristics are very ME.

2.The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

a.Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,

I think it's not proper to laugh at the student who tried to recite and have a wrong answer. For the teacher, correct the student who tried to answer the question and is wrong. But at least he tried.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
In expressing your opinion during class, respect the one who is reciting, and listen to his opinion or idea about the lesson.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
Letting every one or your group mates share their idea or suggestion about the presentation, respect their answer and if it is wrong correct them, not in a harsh way.

- when you commit mistake;
In committing mistake, think about the feelings of the one who made the mistake and don't just judge him.

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do and
Let them understand that you can't or you don't want to do it. let them respect you if you don't want to do it.

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?
In giving suggestion, or comments, let them realize that you have feelings and being not too harsh on you

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
Treating others with respect, first is for the teachers, I think they are people too, that have limits, don't ignore them, disrespecting them, and refusing to his/her orders. Give respect, because if the world don't have teachers then, we can't learn, and we can't understand. Second is for the students, respect each other, each others ability in academics,don't just copy his/her answer and not thanking his/her back. Third is the employees, security maintenance and canteen personnel, all of them have decent jobs and is doing their job properly, don't think that your status is higher that them, because they have these jobs, don't think like that.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My outstanding virtue

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

For me, the one outstanding virtue that I want to have in my life is discipline, not only in our home, but also outside of it and even in my school. Why did I choose discipline, because for me i need it a lot to change my way of life, way of talking to people, my way of thinking, to be mature enough and the times that i disrespect my parents. Discipline will change my life for the better and teach me all the wrong doings that I've done. It will help me to be mature and will teach me to decide on my own and be independent.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

MCL was great. I learn to be independent I can take care of myself and for others. I meet new friends and can communicate with them with no shyness. This week I also remember the friends and best friends from high school, I miss them so much. This is a new chapter of my life time to move up, but don't forget the happy, sad, good, bad, and unforgettable moments that I experience in my high school days. Friends will always be friends. The thing about college is that you learn to lean on yourself. Teachers are very nice, sometimes they speak so deep that i don't understand the meaning, but it's okay because this can be challenging to a student to know and learn from them.

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

My professors are very nice and good to me. They care about students that don't excel in their subject and even the ones that are not really ready for college. I thought that the teachers in college don't even care about the academics or the life of the students. But I was wrong, teachers in MCL are very nice and the ones, that you can approach easily.

3. Describe your block mates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

My block mates are always happy, they are always joking and laughing with each other, but they get serious in academics. They just don't play around like the others. In terms of academics they are more serious in passing it and working hard for it. The weakness of my block mates are, sometimes we are very shy to talk to each other, because we don't really know each other well.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

My courses are sometimes very challenging that I had to review it all again, sometimes it's very easy, I think the one that is easy for me is my course Math011, because I love math since the high school days I love that course, that's why I choose engineering. The course that is a bit challenging to me is Hum011, because the topic was about logic, and I lack thinking. Thinking deep is a very challenging action to do for me, because I don't really think things so deep and reason it out.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

The adjustment I feel that I'm going through right now is being an independent student that can relay in myself. I can commute now, studying very hard and doing all my assignment. The adjustment I need to go through is that I won't be shy next time, I will make lots of new friends and best friends. Adjusting to college is not easy because their are new faces that you see everyday. I must adjust my attitude in communicating and being with new fellow students and know them better.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your highschool life to what you envisioned college life to be?

This monday, I experience going to school by myself. I can commute by myself.

Today, i was very impress at my school. I didn't know that that school was very kind to students like me. I thought that this school wasn't like my school in highschool, i thought that this school doesn't care about their students, i was wrong. In our subject today, values education, I learned that this can work my way to succeed in life, i was encourage to perform at my best. I learned to be an independent person and can trust myself in any decision that i made. And having friends around, this can accompany me in adjusting to college.

2. What is the importance of Values Education?

The importance of values education in my life s that it teaches me things that I didn't know before. Like good moral, responsibility and vision with god in my life. It teaches me to be closer to god and be reaponsible in all the decisions that i do in my life and be responsible to it. It teaches me to share the knowledge that i got from the church to the outside world. Values Education is important to life, because it is the words that can lead you to success.