Wednesday, June 24, 2009


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

MCL was great. I learn to be independent I can take care of myself and for others. I meet new friends and can communicate with them with no shyness. This week I also remember the friends and best friends from high school, I miss them so much. This is a new chapter of my life time to move up, but don't forget the happy, sad, good, bad, and unforgettable moments that I experience in my high school days. Friends will always be friends. The thing about college is that you learn to lean on yourself. Teachers are very nice, sometimes they speak so deep that i don't understand the meaning, but it's okay because this can be challenging to a student to know and learn from them.

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

My professors are very nice and good to me. They care about students that don't excel in their subject and even the ones that are not really ready for college. I thought that the teachers in college don't even care about the academics or the life of the students. But I was wrong, teachers in MCL are very nice and the ones, that you can approach easily.

3. Describe your block mates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

My block mates are always happy, they are always joking and laughing with each other, but they get serious in academics. They just don't play around like the others. In terms of academics they are more serious in passing it and working hard for it. The weakness of my block mates are, sometimes we are very shy to talk to each other, because we don't really know each other well.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

My courses are sometimes very challenging that I had to review it all again, sometimes it's very easy, I think the one that is easy for me is my course Math011, because I love math since the high school days I love that course, that's why I choose engineering. The course that is a bit challenging to me is Hum011, because the topic was about logic, and I lack thinking. Thinking deep is a very challenging action to do for me, because I don't really think things so deep and reason it out.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

The adjustment I feel that I'm going through right now is being an independent student that can relay in myself. I can commute now, studying very hard and doing all my assignment. The adjustment I need to go through is that I won't be shy next time, I will make lots of new friends and best friends. Adjusting to college is not easy because their are new faces that you see everyday. I must adjust my attitude in communicating and being with new fellow students and know them better.

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