Sunday, August 2, 2009

6th Meeting: Assignment


The most striking scene in the movies, is when the host showed climate change that is now happening in our planet. Like the hurricane Katrina and other hurricanes that destroyed many lives and homes. The melting of the ice in the north, South pole and other cold places, It can affect the place where we live in, because it can cause floods and maybe sink the lower lands specially the one near the coast.
I realized that the we must care for our planet and keep it from destroying itself and also us. From our wrong doings we also suffer, that why we need to change our daily living and the things that can save mother earth. Like planting and saving energy.
The actions that i can do to save our environment, is to follow simple rules like,
planting trees and recycling the things that can be recycled, saving energy by means of unplugging the electronic devices that are not to be used, Do not add up the smoke, noise and other pollutions.

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