Sunday, June 14, 2009


1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your highschool life to what you envisioned college life to be?

This monday, I experience going to school by myself. I can commute by myself.

Today, i was very impress at my school. I didn't know that that school was very kind to students like me. I thought that this school wasn't like my school in highschool, i thought that this school doesn't care about their students, i was wrong. In our subject today, values education, I learned that this can work my way to succeed in life, i was encourage to perform at my best. I learned to be an independent person and can trust myself in any decision that i made. And having friends around, this can accompany me in adjusting to college.

2. What is the importance of Values Education?

The importance of values education in my life s that it teaches me things that I didn't know before. Like good moral, responsibility and vision with god in my life. It teaches me to be closer to god and be reaponsible in all the decisions that i do in my life and be responsible to it. It teaches me to share the knowledge that i got from the church to the outside world. Values Education is important to life, because it is the words that can lead you to success.

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